Indigenous Insights

At Gen-R Law, we recognise the critical role that indigenous peoples around the world have to play in rising to the challenge of climate change.

We also recognise that, for a range of reasons, indigenous peoples are amongst the groups being hit hardest by the impact of climate change, in circumstances where they bare no responsibility for the activities which have led us to this point.

For many centuries indigenous peoples have lived in equilibrium with and cared for the land upon which they settled. Indigenous peoples can teach us much about how they have lived in harmony with our planet, re-shape our world view to be more respectful of our natural environment and help us to design a more sustainable future.

We therefore seek to incorporate lessons and wisdom from indigenous peoples into the way that we conduct ourselves and advise our clients, wherever possible. This commitment is embodied in our logo, which incorporates the ‘Koru’ spiral shape as part of its design. The Koru represents the unfurling of a baby fern and symbolises new beginnings, new growth, harmony and tranquillity. It forms an integral part of the art, culture and traditions of the Māori people of New Zealand, and we incorporate the Koru into our business with due respect for that heritage.

Here are just a few of the ways that we seek to share and promote indigenous insights:

  • We share insights from indigenous authors, publishing summaries and reviews of some of our favourite books.

  • We share reports and other documents which highlight the impact of climate change, and globalisation generally, on indigenous peoples

  • We incorporate lessons from indigenous peoples into the advice that we offer wherever possible, particularly as part of the training that we provide to senior business leaders.

Get in touch

As of 4 March 2024, our doors are officially open! As a new firm, we are not yet in a position to offer all of the services described on this website. We have done our best to make clear what we can do now, and what forms part of our exciting plans for the years ahead.

We are working hard to make our ambitious vision into a reality. In the meantime, please do subscribe to receive our regular thought leadership and feel free to follow our journey and progress on LinkedIn.

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Crafted by Original People