Our Mission

"To contribute to the work against climate change and the global mission to achieve net-zero by building a leading, full-service law firm, with specialist climate change, environment and green-tech expertise embedded throughout every practice area."

Our Values

1 Creativity

We need creative solutions and innovations to tackle climate change.

2 Persistence

The road ahead is long. We must persist in our efforts and remain focused on our goals, in-spite of the inevitable setbacks and challenges.

3 Courage

The scale of the global challenge is terrifying. We must be courageous in pursuit of our goals.

4 Vision

We must have the vision to act decisively and with ambition, being led at all times by the scientific evidence and respect for human rights.

5 Collaboration

We succeed or fail as a team. Personal agendas should never get in the way of the group’s progress.

Operating Sustainably

At Gen-R Law, we recognise that we too have a responsibility to minimise our footprint. We seek to achieve this as follows:

We avoid purchasing new electronic equipment where there are viable refurbished alternatives. This rule applies absolutely for all laptops, printers and telephones.

Office space is kept to a minimum, with a presumption in favour of working from home to avoid travel. The use of office space will be prioritised for client meetings (where a virtual alternative is not reasonably viable or will not be as effective) and the development of junior colleagues, who particularly benefit from in-person training.

Air travel for work purposes is avoided unless it is genuinely necessary. Where we must travel (which we recognise will happen from time to time) flights with the lowest carbon emissions will be prioritised, and emissions will be offset. Business class travel, which has a significantly higher carbon footprint, will not be permitted except on overnight flights, or flights of longer than 7 hours. These will also be fully offset.

In due course, we will begin publishing an annual sustainability report in respect of our own operations, ensuring that as a firm we demonstrate the same level of transparency that we counsel our clients to try and achieve.

Get in touch

As of 4 March 2024, our doors are officially open! As a new firm, we are not yet in a position to offer all of the services described on this website. We have done our best to make clear what we can do now, and what forms part of our exciting plans for the years ahead.

We are working hard to make our ambitious vision into a reality. In the meantime, please do subscribe to receive our regular thought leadership and feel free to follow our journey and progress on LinkedIn.

Contact us
Crafted by Original People