ESG, Compliance &

One of the best ways that a company can achieve long term sustainable value creation for all stakeholders is through the power of a strong Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) programme.

A robust ESG programme helps a company to attract the best talent. It helps a company to attract and maintain a loyal customer base, who are increasingly considering a company’s reputation and wider impact in their purchasing decisions.

A strong ESG programme drives positive engagement with the communities in which a business operates, and helps preserve and protect the natural resources which every business relies on.

ESG performance is now a critical consideration for shareholders and investors, who want to know that they are backing lower risk enterprises.

That means looking for a company with robust governance structures in place. A company which actively works to conserve, and enhance, the natural resources on which it relies. A company which carefully considers how its activities promote human rights, contribute to the global efforts to lift people out of poverty and supports people of all backgrounds, races and religions to live better lives.

And if all of that still isn’t enough to persuade you, remember that regulators around the world are increasingly requiring companies to report on their ESG performance; obligations which are only likely to grow in their scope and complexity.

Done properly, money is never just spent on a business's ESG programme. Money is invested in a business's EGS programme. Get it right and be a leading company for years ahead. Get it wrong or fail to get on board at all, and you will get left behind.

Need support with your ESG journey? Do you want to refresh aspects of your compliance programme or investigate concerns about potential violations?

Gen-R Law is here to help.

  • We analyse a business’s key ESG impact points and support you to develop and implement a tailored ESG programme, helping promote your businesses’ long term sustainable growth.
  • We support businesses with the preparation of ‘Sustainability Reports’ and related documents, including preparation for calls and meetings with investors and other stakeholders.
  • We offer tailored Board training to help educate senior leaders on all aspects of climate change, relevant national and international legal frameworks and developments and specific ESG regulatory and reporting requirements, to help management feel confident when discussing and leading on ESG issues.
  • We conduct detailed due diligence on the use of carbon offsetting schemes, working in conjunction with well-placed local partners to ensure that a proposed arrangement will truly deliver the carbon benefits being advertised. This helps to reduce the reputational and legal risks which can be associated with schemes of this type when they are not properly run.
  • We offer advice on ‘Greenwashing’, including related training and support for Marketing and Investor Relations functions, helping businesses to promote the good work that they are doing without exposing themselves to reputational and regulatory risk.
  • We advise companies on ESG reporting requirements in the UK, EU and beyond.

  • We help companies to develop and implement tailored anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) programmes, including preparing associated risk assessments and delivering supporting training.
  • We prepare tailored ABC and human rights risk assessments, specifically for companies competing for the rare resources and minerals being used as part of the energy transition, to help de-risk these important activities.
  • We support companies working to update their policies and procedures to incorporate ESG provisions and provide tailored training to help to them embed these new processes throughout their operations.

  • We offer a comprehensive range of internal investigations services, with a specific focus on supporting companies who are reviewing concerns about breaches of ESG laws, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • We have particular expertise in managing investigations relating to concerns about breaches of ABC laws or regulatory requirements.
  • Critically, we advise companies on tailored remediation where deficiencies are identified.

Get in touch

As of 4 March 2024, our doors are officially open! As a new firm, we are not yet in a position to offer all of the services described on this website. We have done our best to make clear what we can do now, and what forms part of our exciting plans for the years ahead.

We are working hard to make our ambitious vision into a reality. In the meantime, please do subscribe to receive our regular thought leadership and feel free to follow our journey and progress on LinkedIn.

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Crafted by Original People