The backdrop

Climate change is, on one view, the greatest threat of our time. Despite the significant efforts that have already been made around the world, 2022 still saw record global carbon emissions of 36.8 billion tonnes, an increase of 0.9% from 2021.

Scientists have warned the global community that there is currently no credible path to limiting the planet to a warming of ‘only’ 1.5 degrees since pre-industrial times and most countries are significantly behind in their practical efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by their target dates.

In 2022, planetary warming stood at 1.16 degrees above pre-industrial times. Whilst below the 1.5 degree target, this has still coincided with another year of extreme weather events around the world. Globally, supplies of fresh water are running dangerously low and 1.2 billion people are at risk of becoming climate refugees.


billion tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2022


increase in global emissions from 2021-22

Repairing the damage

There are three key aspects to making the changes that we need to avert the worst impacts of climate change and repair at least some of the damage that has already been done.

Firstly, businesses globally need to achieve ‘net-zero’, and re-work their business models to ensure that every aspect of their operations are restorative, rather than destructive, of the natural environment.

Secondly, and a critical part of achieving the first goal, we need technological innovations across the board in every aspect of our lives.

Finally, we need a legal and regulatory environment which encourages and facilitates this global transition, from both businesses and consumers.

In each of these areas the law, and lawyers, have a critical role to play.

Why us

Whilst most law firms have individuals, or even teams, who advise clients on aspects of climate change, historically the UK has not had a full-service law firm with the required specialist expertise embedded in every practice area, whose dedicated mission and raison d'être is to support this work.

In addition, many of the most established firms have a history of undertaking extensive work for clients whose activities have made a significant contribution to the scale of the current problem. To many who are deeply concerned about climate change, these firms are, at the very least, morally conflicted from now trying to lead on these issues.

It is against this backdrop that the idea of Gen-R Law has been developed. A law firm which would be both timely and of its time. A firm to fill this gap in the legal market and provide support to the business community as they work to rise to the challenges and opportunities of climate change, all from a place of unquestionable leadership, authority and credentials on these issues.

A law firm to disrupt the traditional and well-established legal market and support the change that we need to achieve for Generation-R and For Tomorrow.

Get in touch

As of 4 March 2024, our doors are officially open! As a new firm, we are not yet in a position to offer all of the services described on this website. We have done our best to make clear what we can do now, and what forms part of our exciting plans for the years ahead.

We are working hard to make our ambitious vision into a reality. In the meantime, please do subscribe to receive our regular thought leadership and feel free to follow our journey and progress on LinkedIn.

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Crafted by Original People